Knowledge and motivation for health, well-being and happiness

Workshops & Lectures

Trend themes and perennial favorites

How does the interplay between physical and mental health succeed? How do I really get rid of back pain? How do I make a strong impression – professionally, privately or in sports?

Seminare und Vorträge in VIVIS Health Lounge in St. Moritz
Seminare und Vorträge

We offer our workshops and lectures for small groups in the VIVIS Health Lounge.

Our main topics are

  • Back
  • Mental posture
  • Relaxation
  • Motivation

We are also happy to come to you and you or offer you and you an online format on the topics:

“No more backs – I have postures”

“Say it correctly, then it will come across – your subconscious hears everything, doesn’t it?”

“Power posing – I have big plans. Simple techniques for a strong performance.”

Seminare und Vorträge Gesundheitsthemen
Seminare und Vorträge in VIVIS Health Lounge in St. Moritz

Increase your health & happiness level

We help you to achieve your goals


of experience

It started in the 1990s. Studying sports science and what has followed since then meanwhile decades of training and experience in the areas of training, health, coaching, motivation and well-being. A passion that we would like to share with you.



rehabilitation and prevention
back health
mental coaching



Whether you are 18 or 85 years old. Whether you are an athlete, in business, enjoying your golden years. Whether you simply want to invest in yourself as a preventive measure, are recovering from an injury or are pursuing an ambitious goal: Come and join us! Well-known decision-maker from the economy, famous personality, you? We look forward to you!

Join the Health & Happiness Community

Live healthy, happy and energetic.

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